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O relacionamento entre os irmãos durante a pandemia [The relationship between siblings during the pandemic]

CUNHA, A. F. da. O relacionamento entre os irmãos durante a pandemia [The relationship between siblings during the pandemic]. 102 f. Monografia (especialização) – Departamento de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação – Universidade de Taubaté, 2021.

Available on: http://repositorio.unitau.br/jspui/handle/20.500.11874/4892

Abstract: This monograph aimed to understand how the child relationship between siblings can be impacted during the isolation/distance imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. This work was relevant because, in addition to understanding the possible impacts on family dynamics and on fraternal relationships and bonds, it enabled an understanding of the challenges faced by parents, as well as knowledge of the strategies used during this period. In addition, it provided subsidies for the professional psychologist in different contexts. A qualitative exploratory case study research was carried out with five children and their father, mother or guardian. For that, two instruments were used for data collection: semi-structured interview and The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. Results revealed that, throughout the pandemic period, all the studied families had changes in their daily routines, causing difficulty in adapting to the new family dynamics, in social life, in contact with the extended family, in the loss of the support network, such as schools, daycare centers and the daily care of grandparents, in personal and collective hygiene habits and in the study routine. With these changes, the children faced anxiety, fear of contamination, lack of freedom, distancing from friends and family, especially grandparents, difficulties in adapting to remote classes, and excessive exposure to screens. Parents also faced financial difficulties, unemployment and concern about their children’s current and future academic lives. As a coping strategy, some families used games, games, cooking, division of household tasks and all families used electronic resources, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and TV. It was possible to conclude that, despite all the difficulties faced, the studied families took advantage of such adversities and transformed them, providing a greater union between them and a good awareness of the family and pandemic situation, providing a safe and minimally adapted environment. In all families, the relationship between siblings was positively impacted, becoming more intimate and deeper, with few moments of disagreement and several moments of companionship and mutual care. We hope that the knowledge built can contribute to the psychologist’s work, in the public or private office, in guiding parents or guardians; in schools, to assist in the development of an orientation program for parents, teachers and pedagogical coordinators, so that in-person classes can return with parsimony and safety and that the negative effects of prolonged absence from classes can be minimized; and that plans for pedagogical and psychological support can be developed and applied throughout the resumption of activities.

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