WALTER TRINCA is graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of São Paulo (USP – Brazil), former School of Philosophy, Sciences and Literature. He has a master’s degree in clinical psychology, a Doctorate in science and a professor at University of São Paulo’s Institute of Psychology. For many years he was a professor at the institute’s Department of Clinical Psychology, where he taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Psychotherapy with a Psychoanalytical Base and Psychological Diagnostics. He has oriented numerous doctoral theses and master’s degree dissertations. He has supervised the services provided to patients by the institute’s Psychological Clinic. For four years, he coordinated the postgraduate program in Clinical Psychology. As a specialist in research programs, he oriented and supervised close to 80 relevant projects in the area of Clinical Psychology. He also developed several of his own projects that among other things contributed to the methodology of Psychological Diagnosis and studied clinical thought patterns. His projects also included a psychoanalytical study of phobias; the interior art of the psychoanalyst; and a description of experiences of immateriality. These projects led to a rethinking of the human experience, including the roles played by art, philosophy, science, and religion. From a methodological point of view, the author was the creator of the Drawing-and-Story Procedure, a technique for the clinical investigation of the personality. More than 200 theses and dissertations have either dealt with or used this Procedure. The author also has more than 100 articles published in national and international magazines.

Among his books, the best known are: Psicanálise compreensiva: uma concepção de conjunto (Vetor) [in French: Psychanalyse compréhensive: une conception d’ensemble (L’Harmattan, Paris), in Italian: Psicanalisi Comprensiva: una visione d’insieme (Aracne, Rome)]; O ser interior na psicanálise: fundamentos, modelos e processos (Vetor) [in French: L’être intérieur dans la psychanalyse : fondements, modèles, processus (Liber, Montréal), in Italian, L’essere interiore nella psicanalisi : fondamenti, modelli e processi (Aracne, Rome)]; Psicanálise e transfiguração: a etérea leveza da experiência (Vetor) [in French: La légèreté éthérée de l’expérience : psychanalyse et transfiguration (L’Harmattan, Paris)]; A arte interior do psicanalista (Vetor) [in French: L’Art intérieur du psychanalyste (L’Harmattan, Paris)]; A personalidade fóbica: uma aproximação psicanalítica (Vetor); O pensamento clínico em diagnóstico da personalidade (Vetor); Investigação clínica da personalidade (EPU); O filósofo ou a procura do encanto da vida (Appris) [in French: Le Philosophe ou À la rencontre de l’enchantement de la vie (Publibook, Paris)]; Fobia e pânico em psicanálise (Vetor) [in Italian: Fobia e panico in psicanalisi (Aracne, Rome)]; O espaço mental do homem novo (Vetor); Psicanálise e expansão de consciência: apontamentos para o novo milênio (Vetor); Quase poesia (Vetor); Viagem ao coração do mundo: a apreensão da imaterialidade (Vetor) [in French: Voyage au coeur du monde: l’appréhension de l’immatérialité (Publibook, Paris)]; As múltiplas faces do self (Vetor) [in French: Les multiples visages du self (L’Harmattan, Paris), in Italian: Le molteplici facce del self (Aracne, Rome)]; Uma imagem do mundo: realidade e imaterialidade (Blucher) [in French: Une image du monde : réalité et Immatérialité (Publibook)]; Do niilismo ao amor à vida (Blucher) [in French: Du nihilisme à l’amour de la vie : être ou ne pas être (L´Harmattan)]; O êxtase das coisas: o destino imaterial do mundo real (Blucher). He organized the texts: Diagnóstico psicológico: a prática clínica (Vetor); Formas compreensivas de investigação psicológica (Vetor); Formas de investigação clínica em psicologia (Vetor); Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias: formas derivadas, desenvolvimentos e expansões (Vetor); in Italian, Indagine psicodinamica della personalità (Aracne Editrice, Rome) e in French, Investigation psychodynamique de la personnalité (Ed. Mardaga, Brussels);  Formas lúdicas de investigação em psicologia (Vetor) and A organização do pensamento clínico em psicoterapia (Vetor).

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