O Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias como forma de aproximação da criatividade de crianças asmáticas numa perspectiva winnicottiana [The Drawing-and-Story Procedure as a way of approaching the creativity of asthmatic children in a Winnicottian perspective]

BRENTAN, C. C. O Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias como forma de aproximação da criatividade de crianças asmáticas numa perspectiva winnicottiana [The Drawing-and-Story Procedure as a way of approaching the creativity of asthmatic children in a Winnicottian perspective]. Doctoral Thesis. 161 p.  Instituto de Psicologia da USP. São Paulo (SP), 2019.

Available on: O procedimento de desenhos-estórias como forma de aproximação da criatividade de… (usp.br)

Abstract: The main goal of this research was to explore the creative expression of asthmatic children within the Winnicottian theoretical perspective, through the Drawing-and-Story Procedure, expanding the understanding of the dynamics of these children and their mothers. The intermediate objectives of the study were: (i) to understand the creative expression of asthmatic children from the point of view of the Winnicott’s theory, (ii) to understand the dynamics of asthmatic children with their mothers and (iii) to make a comparison between the aspects of the creative expression found in the D-E from the point of view of the Winnicottian theory and the result of the Children’s Figural Creativity Test of asthmatic children. The subject Creativity broadly permeates Winnicott’s theory and articulates with several other fundamental concepts developed by Winnicott. From the point of view of this theoretical framework, this research was relevant for exploring the creative dimension of children with asthma, which, as a psychosomatic disease, is traditionally understood as a pathology that influences the capacity of affective, symbolic and creative expression. By exploring the Winnicottian dimension of Creativity, this research aimed to broaden the understanding of the psychosomatic diseases, such as Asthma. Another relevant aspect of the research was its contribution to extend the use of the Drawing-and-Story Procedure, from an exploratory perspective of the Winnicottian dimension of Creativity. A qualitative research method was performed. Data were collected at the Children’s Institute of the Clinical Hospital from São Paulo University’s School of Medicine –, at the Sports Center from São Paulo University’s School of Physical Education, and independently from children who were not linked to any institution. The sample consisted of a group of twelve children from seven up to ten years old. The research was started through semi-structured interviews with mothers and/or fathers, in order to obtain data from the child’s history and to understand aspects of the family dynamics in which the child was immersed. Subsequently two meetings were held with the child in order to proceed with the application of the D-E and the Children’s Figural Creativity Test. After analyzing the collected content, feedback interviews were conducted for parents and children. There were, on average, four meetings with each family that has participated in the research. After analyzing the collected data under the frame of the theoretical references, it was concluded that the objective of the research could be achieved, since the Drawings-Stories Procedure facilitated and broadened the understanding of the creative expression of asthmatic children, from the Winnicottian perspective.

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