O Desenho na Gestalt-Terapia: A Versatilidade dos Traços em Interface com a Prática Clínica [The Drawing in Gestalt-Therapy: The Versatility of the Lines Interfacing the Clinical Practice]

OLIVEIRA, E. D. F.;  GRUBITS, S. O Desenho na Gestalt-Terapia: A Versatilidade dos Traços em Interface com a Prática Clínica [The Drawing in Gestalt-Therapy: The Versatility of the Lines Interfacing the Clinical Practice]. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. vol.19, 2019. n.spe, pp. 1036-1050. ISSN 1808-4281.

Available on: v19n4a12 (bvsalud.org)

Through an integrative literature review, the goal is to discuss the use of drawings on the clinical practice of Gestalt-therapy. The first study regarding children’s drawings refers to the ending of the 1800’s. The classical theories describe the development of the graphism through stages that are overcome as the child develops. In psychological science, initially, the drawing was used in psychological tests to measure cognitive aspects, and, further on, as a projective technique. Currently, it is also used as a manner of investigation for diagnosis in various theories. In Gestalt-therapy the drawing can be used as a technique, an experiment and an instrument to establish bonding, based on the phenomenological method. The drawing is an important therapeutic tool that, when used within a consistent psychotherapeutic process, founded on a tie of trust and based on the theoretical background of Gestalt-therapy, is capable of contributing to the update and growth process of the client. The D-e was used.

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