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A relação cuidador/idoso segundo a ótica do cuidador formal domiciliar de idosos [The relationship between the caregiver/elderly from the perspective of the elderly formal home caregiver point of view]

MARIGLIANO, R. X. A relação cuidador/idoso segundo a ótica do cuidador formal domiciliar de idosos [The relationship between the caregiver/elderly from the perspective of the elderly formal home caregiver point of view]. Master’s Dissertation – Universidade São Judas Tadeu. São Paulo (SP), 2016.  

Available on: https://www.usjt.br/biblioteca/mono_disser/mono_diss/2017/381.pdf

Population aging has increased progressively and due to changes in the family panorama, in which the elderly cannot always count on the family to provide, the hiring of professionals trained to perform this function has been resorted to, especially when faced with the care that frail old age demands. The general objective of this study was to analyze how formal home caregivers conceive the relationship with the elderly under their responsibility. Fifteen female formal caregivers participated in the research, aged between 25 and 59 years, who were taking care of the same elderly for at least six months. months. This is a descriptive, exploratory, survey study. For data collection the script was applied to characterize the participants and then the projective technique called Drawing-and-Story Procedure was performed. It was also performed a semi-guided semi directed interview and finally, the WHOQOL-Bref Quality of Life Scale was applied. The participants have a good perception of their quality of life, highlighting the Physical Domain. The experience with elderly people who need care and having already taken care of a family member were motivating elements for them to start working in this profession later on. Several participants had training in the nursing area, some had no previous preparation and learned through, some had no previous preparation and learned through practice. In the relationship with the elderly caregiver, the positive aspects were evidenced, mainly related to the affection directed to the elderly, as well as the need to and the need to provide comfort and well-being. There is a desire to continue studying and work in the area. Through the projective technique used, we observed aspects related to the vision of the elderly related to the vision of the elderly as ambivalent in their active and fragile characteristics, as well as the idealization of the as well as the idealization of the role of caregiver. It is observed the need for more research on the theme, aiming to trace strategies that give support to the caregiver in order to maintain a good quality of life.

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