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Violência praticada por mães: estudo compreensivo [Violence practiced by mothers: a comprehensive study]

SILVA, B. A. Violência praticada por mães: estudo compreensivo [Violence practiced by mothers: a comprehensive study]. Master’s Dissertation. Inst. Psic. USP. 2019.

Available on: Violência praticada por mães: estudo compreensivo (usp.br)

This research refers to a master’s dissertation on the violence practiced by mothers against children. In Brazil, despite recognition of children and adolescents rights, these are still victims of numerous violations, especially, with regard to physical and psychological integrity. The main offensive is committed by who should protect and care. The mother-children relationship, culturally and psychologically as a relationship of care, is oftentimes permeated by physical punishments naturalized as ways of educating. In addition to social and cultural factors, the mother-children relationship is permeated by children’s experiences of motherhood, which unconsciously influence their relationship and the exercise of the maternal function. Objectives of the study: to analyze the history and psychodynamics of mothers who have practiced physical, psychological and neglect attacks on their children. Analyze the factors that trigger the aggressions; and if there is awareness of the violation of rights and the consequences of these aggressions for the children. Method: clinical-qualitative study based on multiple case studies, with the participation of four women attended in an institution focused on attending to violations of rights. The instruments used were documentary analysis, semi-structured interview and projective techniques (TAT and DE-T). The results were subjected to free inspection and comprehensive analysis. Results: were identificated experiences of mistreatment and neglect in the family history of participants, their primary relations marketed by hostility. Schizoparanoid mechanisms, such as fission, omnipotence, negation and idealization, appear predominant in relation to their own children. Conclusion: the infant experiences of these mothers with their own mothers are updated in the exercise of motherhood. The detailed study of the history of life and the psychodynamics of perpetrators is relevant for the understanding, treatment and prevention of intrafamily violence.

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