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Uso dos métodos projetivos na avaliação dos impactos psicológicos da pandemia de Covid-19 em crianças [Use of projective methods in the assessment of the psychological impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on children]

AMORIM, P. T.; TORRES, M. de S.; RESENDE, G. C. Uso dos métodos projetivos na avaliação dos impactos psicológicos da pandemia de Covid-19 em crianças [Use of projective methods in the assessment of the psychological impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on children]. X CONGRESSO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE RORSCHACH E MÉTODOS PROJETIVOS, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, 2020.

Available on: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362122833

Abstract: In 2020, with the Covid-19 pandemic and, consequently, the isolation and social distancing measures adopted by the health authorities, there was an impact on the mental health of the world population, including the mental health of children who underwent significant changes in their routine and had to remain secluded in their homes and away from the social and cultural environments necessary for their relational, emotional and affective development, such as school. Given this scenario, it is relevant to understand how children were able to experience and elaborate their experiences during this pandemic situation. Therefore, we propose the construction of a psychological assessment protocol using projective methods to be applied to children. The design adopted was the study of resources and instruments that make up the field of child assessment. The methods and techniques chosen for the protocol were the Anamnesis – to be applied with the parents and/or guardians of the child -, the Playful Game Hour, The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure – technique originated from the Drawing-and-Story Procedure, by Walter Trinca – and the Children’s Thematic Apperception Test – Animal Figures (CAT-A). These instruments are resources that enable the understanding of symbolization, emotional expression and the identification of emotional and traumatic conflicts experienced in the period of social distancing by children and their families, in addition to enabling the identification of defensive resources used to face the adverse situations experienced. The expected results of the child evaluation from the proposed protocol is the possibility of investigating and understanding the psychological and emotional impacts of children in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic and establishing evaluation parameters in future pandemic and adverse situations so that, in this way, there can be proposals and 268 appropriate interventions to support the development of therapeutic/psychotherapeutic actions focused on mitigating the negative effects on the mental health of children and their families. 

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