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Transicionalidade e uso do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias com Tema nas primeiras entrevistas clínicas [Transitionality and the use of the Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure in the first clinical interviews]

RIBEIRO, D. P. S. A. Transicionalidade e uso do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias com Tema nas primeiras entrevistas clínicas [Transitionality and the use of the Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure in the first clinical interviews]. 175 p. Doctoral Thesis – PUCCAMP. Campinas (SP). 2008.

Available at: http://serefazer.psc.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/TESE-Diana-Pancini-de-Sa-Antunes-Ribeiro-2008.pdf

Abstract: This research broaches the clinical and developing potential of the transitional use of the Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure in early interviews held by undergraduate students in group supervision meetings, meant as activity which articulates knowledge transmission and holding. It is inserted, therefore, into a particular moment of the psychologist’s academic development, which takes effect by means of the clinical care given to children, in the context of the psychodiagnosis. The research at issue, based on the discarding of the positivist view and the adoption of an epistemological paradigm which favors intersubjectivity, is structured according to a complex architecture, to the extent that clinical care and supervision are viewed as inseparable practices. 16 reports on the use of the Procedure, drawn up during a two-month period, along of which 16 undergraduates made twenty-four complete psychodiagnoses, were psychoanalytically evaluated, in close dialogue with the Winnicottian thought. Two of such reports are fully presented in the research. The analyses, on the whole, allow us to conclude that the transitional use of the Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure seems to be heuristically important since it favors meaningful emotional communications among all the people involved in the interaction, in the contexts of the care provided for the children and the supervision provided for the students.

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