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Representações sociais sobre projeto de vida de adolescentes em medidas socioeducativas [Social representations of adolescents’ life project in socio-educational measures]

RIBEIRO, D. F. Representações sociais sobre projeto de vida de adolescentes em medidas socioeducativas [Social representations of adolescents’ life project in socio-educational measures]. 78 p. Master’s Dissertation – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE. 2018.

Available on: https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/30984

The social representations about the life project of adolescents in relation to socio-educational actions are complex and presuppose the need to improve the understanding of their life contexts. It is growing the problem of violence involving the adolescent public and increasingly early its linkage to the Juvenile Justice System. The insertion of the adolescent into the socioeducation can interfere in the representation of their life project, understood as the dynamic construction of identity, being a process that occurs in a permanent way and that has repercussions in all spheres of life. The objective of the research was to analyze the social representations about life projects of adolescents in socio-educational measures. It is a qualitative research that had as a scenario a socio-educational unit of semi-freedom in Pernambuco. The participants were male adolescents of the institution. The process of data collection occurred between April and September 2017. This study used the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and a script of semi-structured interview. The triangulation of data was an essential strategy for deepening the results seized. The textual data of the interviews constituted the corpus of analysis submitted to IRAMUTEQ software. In this tool, there was statistical analysis in the hierarchical classification decreasing with the generation of three classes presented in dendrogram. The analysis of this study was interpreted and discussed in light of the structure of the Theory of Social Representation. The knowledge of common sense expressed in their statements reinforce the idea that these individuals are passively immersed in the exogenous logics of their life contexts. The group is characterized by living in areas of periphery marked by poverty, violence and social discrimination and invisibility to the protective measures that should ensure growth and development in articulation with integral care. The reports carry possibilities of overcoming and construction of life projects. The confrontation of the adversities and processes of exclusion that involves these adolescents in a context of resocialization requires the engagement of the health, education and social support professionals in the re-signification of the ways of thinking and acting in the reception in health promotion of the same, so that it is allowed the acquisition of new perspectives for the future and the expansion of possibilities in the socio-educational process in defense of access to human rights. It is concluded that the construction of life projects is essential and predictive of citizenship, the reflexive incentive to develop plans for the future is an effective strategy for health promotion and violence prevention. The nurse is a promoter of an integral formation for this public, and should seek to understand the mishaps of the life trajectory of these adolescents and develop strategies favorable to the planning and scope of their life projects in line with the defense of their health and the community. It is suggested the development of new research with coverage to the female audience, and of interventions, which may stimulate the emancipation of these individuals, in the exercise of citizenship, as an ethical, political and social commitment.

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