Pensando a sessão de análise como um espaço potencial. [Thinking the analytic session as a potential space]

OLIVEIRA, F. C. M. de. Pensando a sessão de análise como um espaço potencial. [Thinking the analytic session as a potential space]. Jornal de Psicanálise, São Paulo, v. 43, n. 78, junho. 2010.

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The concepts of transitional objects, transitional phenomena and potential space in Winnicott are extremely fertile for thinking the necessary creativity for the analyzing of a patient. This article sought to address, in a winnicottian language, a clinical case of an 8 years old child. The work brings fragments of sessions in which the child made drawings that assisted approaching its psychic world. The creative movements, made possible through the sessions, took place within a potential space that allowed psychic development.

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