O potencial terapêutico do desenho-estória frente à hospitalização da criança com câncer [The therapeutic potential of the design-story in front of the hospitalization of the child with câncer]

SÁ-SERAFIM, R. C. da N.; RODRIGUES, J. do N.; MOURA, F. M. de. O potencial terapêutico do desenho-estória frente à hospitalização da criança com câncer [The therapeutic potential of the design-story in front of the hospitalization of the child with câncer]. Revista Eletrônica da FAINOR, Vitória da Conquista, BA, v.11, n.2, p.445-460, mai-ago. 2018. 

Available on: http://srv02.fainor.com.br/revista/index.php/memorias/article/view/746/414

This report of experience that aims to describe the experience learned in the therapeutic scenes, during the accomplishment of the stage activities, mediated by the use of the Drawing-and-Story Procedure. This technique was applied in children aged between 6 and 11 years. Through the imaging dimension illustrated in the drawings it was possible to give voice to the contingencies caused by the diagnosis of childhood cancer; Hospitalization as a traumatic process for children; Suffering from the innumerable invasive procedures. Finally, it was confirmed that this technique makes possible the ludic experiences concerning the diagnosis, hospitalization.

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