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O olhar de crianças atendidas em instituição pública de saúde sobre o psicoterapeuta [The perspective of the children treated at primary health care unit about psychotherapist]

POLLI, R. G.; ARPINI, D. M. O olhar de crianças atendidas em instituição pública de saúde sobre o psicoterapeuta [The perspective of the children treated at primary health care unit about psychotherapist]. Interação Psicol., Curitiba (PR), v.20, n.2, p.69-80, jan-abr. 2016. 

Available at: https://revistas.ufpr.br/psicologia/article/viewFile/32624/29641

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate how children who were under psychological care, in basic health institutions, represent their therapist. A qualitative study was carried out, using the Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure. Eight children participated in this study. Children were asked to perform a sequence of three drawing-story. The data analysis was performed using content analysis. The results showed that children have a representation of the psychotherapist as someone who plays and talks with them. Moreover, in order to make the therapeutic process happen, the ability of the professional to provide a reliable and supportive environment was evaluated. In this place, the child feels safe to bring up their issues.

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