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O imaginário coletivo de estudantes de educação física sobre vida saudável [The collective imaginary of physical education students about the life healthy]

FIALHO, A. et al. O imaginário coletivo de estudantes de educação física sobre vida saudável [The collective imaginary of physical education students about the life healthy]. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte. Porto Alegre (RS), v.36, n.3, p. 626-631. 

Available on: doi: 10.1590/2179-325520143630005

Objective: We investigated the collective imagination of Physical Education students about a healthy life. Methodology: We performed an interview with 27 students of Physical Education, drawing upon the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure “a person who leads a healthy life.” The productions were considered in the light of the psychoanalytic method and uptake of interpretive fields of meaning underlying affective-emotional. Results: The interpretation work allowed for perceiving a field called “individual responsibility”, which is structured based on the belief that health would be a state that depends mainly on individual initiatives and actions. Conclusions: The picture found indicates that the field operates positive effects toward personal initiative, but it produces, as a problematic consequence, an obfuscation about the importance of environmental factors, which depend on social and governmental actions.

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