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O desenho como forma de avaliação de crianças em situação pré-cirúrgica [Drawing as a means of assessing children in pre-surgical situation]

BROERING, C. V.; CREPALDI, M. A. O desenho como forma de avaliação de crianças em situação pré-cirúrgica [Drawing as a means of assessing children in pre-surgical situation]. Boletim Academia Paulista de Psicologia. São Paulo, v. 32, n. 83, pp. 395-407, jul-dez. 2012.

Available on: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=94624915010

This article presents research that evaluates strategies for reducing the stress caused in the preoperative time period of 30 hospitalized children, for minor surgery. The control technique used is Walter Trincas’s Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. The participants are divided into two groups of 15 children each. A determined strategy of psychological preparation for surgery is applied for each of them. Results show reduction of stress resulting from both conditions. It is considered that the psychological preparation, by the expected strategies,is efficient for reducing the stress, reaching the promotion of coping as a means of comparison to that emotional state of stress produced by the pre-surgery expectation.

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