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Imaginário de profissionais de saúde sobre mães de bebês disponíveis para serem adotados [Health professionals’ imaginary on mothers of babies available for adoption]

FERREIRA-TEIXEIRA, M. C.; VISINTIN, C. D. N.; AIELLO-VAISBERG, T. M. J. Imaginário de profissionais de saúde sobre mães de bebês disponíveis para serem adotados [Health professionals’ imaginary on mothers of babies available for adoption]. Psicologia em Revista, Belo Horizonte (MG), v. 25, n. 3, p.1194-1212, dez. 2019.

Available on: http://periodicos.pucminas.br/index.php/psicologiaemrevista/article/download/12859/17197

This research aims to investigate health professionals’ collective imaginary on biological mothers whose babies are available for adoption. It is justified as it can produce clinically relevant knowledge in the area of psychology. It is methodologically articulated by using the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure in ten individual interviews, registered in the form of transferential narratives. The psychoanalytic consideration of the material allowed the interpretive production of two fields of affective-emotional meaning: “Victim mother” and “Dehumanized mother”. The overall picture indicates the coexistence of a conservative imaginary, based on the condemnation of women, with a more sympathetic and supportive imaginary, recognizing the adversities faced by people living in situations of social precariousness that hinders children’s care. When compared to other research, the results from this study may be interpreted as a sign that changes in the professionals’ imaginary are under way.

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