Autolesão em adolescentes, depressão e ansiedade: um estudo compreensivo [Self-harm in adolescents, depression and anxiety: a comprehensive study]

TARDIVO, L. S. L. P. C. et. al. Autolesão em adolescentes, depressão e ansiedade: um estudo compreensivo [Self-harm in adolescents, depression and anxiety: a comprehensive study]. Bol. Acad. Paul. Psicol.  39(97): 159-169, 2019.

Available on: SafetyLit: Self-harm in adolescents, depression and anxiety: a comprehensive study

There is a considerable increase in self-harm behavior in the school population, and there are few studies with psychological instruments that study the situation in our environment, especially in younger adolescents, who often keep it secret. The objective of this article was to deepen the knowledge of psychological aspects – such as self-view, of the world, relationships, anxieties and emotions – and to identify signs of depression and anxiety in adolescents with self-harm behaviors manifested in a school environment. The clinical method was used, which is indicated to know and interpret the senses of the phenomena observed. Three adolescents, between the ages of 13 and 15 years old, indicated by the school participated in the study. The Drawing-and-Story Procedure, the Children Depression Inventory (CDI) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used, as well as initial semi-guided interviews. The results showed traces of insecurity and inadequacy, as well as feelings of low value, demonstrating the need for adolescents to be cared for and understood. Self-harm behavior was evidenced as a search for pain “relief”. In summary, the findings pointed to the need for more intervention and preventive studies and work with the family and schools.

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