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Análise dos vínculos afetivos na adoção: um olhar para as condições ambientais e afetivas na maternagem de mães adotivas [The analysis of affective bonds in adoption: a look at the environmental and affective conditions in the mothering of adoptive mothers]

SILVA, A. C. L. R. Análise dos vínculos afetivos na adoção: um olhar para as condições ambientais e afetivas na maternagem de mães adotivas [The analysis of affective bonds in adoption: a look at the environmental and affective conditions in the mothering of adoptive mothers]. 189 p. Master’s Dissertation – Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Assis  (SP), 2019.

Available on: <http://hdl.handle.net/11449/191225>.

The proposal of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the constitution of the mother-baby bond in the experiences of adoptive mothers, from a Winnicottian theoretical perspective. Such binding constructions refer to the construction of motherhood in the mother-baby relationship, from the experience of primary maternal concern, holding, handling, from object presentations, among other psychic movements that take part in the development of the “sufficiently good mother”. In this sense, this understanding and analysis of this phenomenon is broadened in adoptive mothers, which in a great part come from a process of infertility and come loaded of stigmas and fantasies that need to be deconstructed to realize the maternal, besides passing through a legal process, which arouses psychic contents, often coming from unconscious factors that are exposed in the construction of motherhood. Therefore, for the development of this qualitative research, it was used the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and the semi-structured interview with four mothers who were in the moment of the research with children up to four years old. The psychoanalytic method and the psychoanalytic narrative went through all the analysis of data and the construction of results. It was found that there are several mourning to be experienced within the adoption field, that is, the mourning of fertility loss, ideal children and parents, among others. The experience of primary maternal concern and the consequences of this experience are essential to start and awaken bonded construction, and in this case, the waiting time for adoption can be an important and decisive element to develop this condition and, consequently, to flourish a “good enough mother”. However, it is understood that from the legal process participation of adoption, in which there is the profile form filling to choose the child’s characteristics, emerges several feelings and mobilizes numerous psychic contents. The preparatory courses for adoption are also significant factors for the adoption applicants, because they present aspects of the process that may favor the development of the relationship in order to avoid the return. Therefore it is necessary to emphasize the importance of psychological preparation and an understanding of psychic resources of the parents to welcome a child who carries an unknown past history to them and who will express his/her feelings of abandonment in his/her new home, seeking in his/her mother a welcoming and an exercise of holding and handling necessary for the adaptation process, for the construction of the affective bond and for the possible resignifications of the experiences lived by both mothers and children.

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