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Adolescência e transtorno de conduta: estudo do funcionamento psíquico e da percepção da figura paterna de adolescentes infratores [Adolescence and conduct disorder: a study of psychic functioning and perception of father figure for young offenders]

RODRIGUES, J. S. Adolescência e transtorno de conduta: estudo do funcionamento psíquico e da percepção da figura paterna de adolescentes infratores [Adolescence and conduct disorder: a study of psychic functioning and perception of father figure for young offenders]. 110 p. Master’s Dissertation – Faculdade de Saúde da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. São Bernardo do Campo (SP), 2011.

Available on: http://tede.metodista.br/jspui/bitstream/tede/1460/1/Juliana%20dos%20Santos%20Rodrigues.pdf

The objectives of the present study were: a) to investigate the psychodynamic content of adolescent offenders; b) to describe the perception of affective-relational interactions of adolescents in relation to the father figure. To this end, six cases of adolescents who committed infractions and were serving socio-educational measures were studied, five of them were 17 years old and one was 14 years old. These adolescents attend CEDECA (Center for the Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents) in the city of Mauá (São Paulo), where the data were collected. Paulo), where the data was collected. The instruments used were Drawing-and-Story Procedure with a Theme and a semi-structured interview were used as instruments. The application of the procedure was based on the following instructions: draw an adolescent from Mauá and draw the father and draw the father of an adolescent from Mauá and, after each drawing, the adolescent was asked to tell a story about it. In general, the results showed that primitivism was present in the production of the six adolescents, since the presence of defense mechanisms such as idealization, denial, splitting, and other schizoid and other schizoid defense mechanisms. It was also evident that the difficulty in the growth and evolution of the as well as antisocial behavior are associated with the quality of the introjection of the father figure and the relationship that these adolescents establish with it. It was concluded that the way in which the psychic development occurs is a determining factor for an individual to be driven to criminal behavior. Therefore, more studies are needed on the personality of adolescents the personality of adolescents in conflict with the law, so that scientific knowledge to contribute to actions in the family environment, as well as in primary and secondary prevention programs that and secondary prevention programs that can provide conditions for a good psychic development to people before to people before they reach adolescence and adulthood.

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