MENEZES, K. J. S.; BORSA, J. C. Avaliação Psicológica do luto infantil no contexto da violência urbana no Rio de Janeiro: contribuições da Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano [Psychological assessment of child grief in the context of urban violence in rio de janeiro: contributions of the bioecological theory of human development]. 171p. Master’s Dissertation – Departamento de Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 2019.
Available on: 51341.PDF (
The notion of human terminality is commonly perceived when a death of a loved one occurs. Grief can be understood as a natural and expected process in the face of death, experienced from the uniqueness of each person and their sociohistorical context. Grief caused by homicide, specifically, can promote meaningful personal and social repercussions on the lives of the grieving people. Children are also impacted by the experience of grief and, especially, when they lose their family members violently. Considering these aspects, the objective of the study is to investigate the process of grieving experienced by two children who lost family members victims of homicide. Two psychological evaluations were used, for each evaluation, different psychological procedures and instruments were included. Participated in this study two boys aged from six to eight years old, resident in the state of Rio de Janeiro, who lost their brother and father victims of homicide. Each case was analyzed in depth and individually, in the sequence the instruments and procedures were corrected, and the results were assessed using the Bioecological Theory of Human Development approach. This study proposed new empirical and theoretical perspectives for the psychological assessment of child bereavement in the context of urban violence. It also suggested the development of new studies in order to improve the quality of life of bereaved children in the referred context of loss. The D-E was used.