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Vivências e significados do Complexo de Édipo em uma família contemporânea [Experiences and Meanings of the Oedipal Complex in a contemporary family]

ALMEIDA, C. T. M. Vivências e significados do Complexo de Édipo em uma família contemporânea [Experiences and Meanings of the Oedipal Complex in a contemporary family]. Master’s Dissertation. UNESP, São Paulo (SP), 2018.

Available on: http://hdl.handle.net/11449/157074

The aim was to understand the exercise of parenting and subjectivation in contemporary families regarding the Oedipus Complex experience, from Linkage Psychoanalysis Theory. Nowadays there has been different changes in contemporary families and considering that the passage through the oedipal scene allows the discrimination of places and family duties, it is understood that is necessary to comprehend this definition and its experiences in modern families. A case study has been carried out by semi – structured interviews with two couples, represented by the grandparents who fulfil the main nurture functions with their granddaughters, and the couple formed by the biological mother and the girls’ stepfather, who also takes part in the family everyday life of the children. With the children who are 6 and 7 years old, the Drawing-of-Family-and-Story Procedure by Walter Trinca was applied, analyzing love relationships, hate, rivalry, interdiction and unconscious alliances typical from this experience. It was found that the exercise of parenting is shared and held by the four interviewees, constituting a new family experience in which the parental roles are not limited in a clear way, however for all family members, the grandmother represents the main figure that acts as a mother and a father to her granddaughters, setting up unconscious alliances and transgenerational aspects which have configured the family dynamics. It was noticed that the parents’ and grandparents’ experiences with their own oedipal elaborations influence in a meaningful way the Oedipus Complex’s experience in the children. It was observed that for an oedipal construction to happen which allows a relationship triangulation and the possibility of an existence and autonomous relationships overcoming the narcissistic and symbiotic first relationships with the parental figures, it’s necessary to be performed a distinctive role not limited to gender or biological paternity, which allows the record of the differences and the intersubjective relations’ Division.

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