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Vivência da sexualidade: representações sociais de pessoas soropositivas para o HTLV [Experience of sexuality: representations of people seropositive for HTLV]

RIVEMALES, M. C. C. Vivência da sexualidade: representações sociais de pessoas soropositivas para o HTLV [Experience of sexuality: representations of people seropositive for HTLV]. 204 p. Doctoral Thesis – UFBA. Salvador (BA). 2013.

Available on: https://repositorio.ufba.br/ri/handle/ri/12135

This is a quantitative and qualitative study based on the theory of social representations that seeks to understand the meaning of sexuality for men and women suffering the HTLV; understand social representations of men and women seropositive for HTLV about the experience of sexuality; describe how men and women seropositive for HTLV experience their sexuality; discuss how gender as a category of analysis, permeates aspects related to the experience of sexuality of men and women affected HTLV. It was conducted at the ambulatory Complex HUPES, having 74 people as informants of both sexes. Data collection techniques used projective Test Free Word Association and Design-history with Theme, besides conducting in-depth interviews. The information from the TALP were statistically processed by software Tri-Deux Mots and submitted to correspondence factor analysis (CFA), arising from the Design-history with Theme were analyzed through systematic observation of designs and themes, selection of illustrations by graphic similarities; initial reading of thematic units of the stories; clipping and categorization of thematic units, analysis and interpretation of content grouped by category. The narratives from the interviews were processed using Atlas ti and subjected to thematic content analysis. The data analysis revealed three categories: Experience of HTLV seropositivity; Unraveling seropositivity and its implications for the experience of seropositivity; Experience of sexuality with HTLV. The HTLV causes changes in the lives of people affected by this virus, affecting relationships, social, and beyond sexuality. The clinical condition of the infection interferes differently in living with HTLV. People affected by HTLV highlighted better social relationships and before the discovery of his HTLV status. Sex was conceived as something that is part of the couple’s life and was expressed as a human need which seeks satisfaction of desires and procreation. Only men seropositive for HTLV designed sex as an experience that gives pleasure. Gender identity assumed by people affected by HTLV influenced sexual distinct trajectories. Condom use was not part of routine sexual HTLV positive people, even if it recognized the need for preventive attitudes directed to HTLV and / or other sexually transmitted diseases. There was a change in practice, sexual response and pleasure seeking as a result of the presence of symptoms or diseases associated with HTLV. Prominence was given to both experiences as links to breaking the affective-sexual relationship after discovery of HTLV. Given the complexity of HTLV and its different connotations in affective and sexual life of people living with HTLV, it is necessary to carry out further studies that also explore aspects related to sexuality, so that subsidies are generated for the understanding of its meaning for these subjects . In this sense, nursing should be included, since it represents an area that includes objects in your care, appreciation of human subjectivity.

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