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Vício e Loucura: estudo de representações sociais de escolares sobre doença mental através do uso do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias com Tema [Addiction and Madness: a Study of Social Representations of Students about Mental Illness through the Use of the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure]

VILLELA, E. M. B. A formação do psicólogo e o atendimento a deficientes visuais e suas famílias no contexto de clínica-escola [The professional education and the care of visually impaired people and their families in the context of school-clinic]. 226 p. Doctoral Thesis – Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2007.

Abstract: This thesis shows how the supervised internship in the school-clinic can be a space to form (as learning of a trade) and to transform (as personal enhancement) to the psychology student in their ethical posture in face of the diversity. For this research, it was offered to a group of senior students a supervised clinical care program to visually impaired children with emotional complaints and to their parents. Once offering this service, it was investigated to what extent the student is affected by this practice regarding their conflicts and the change in their form of conceiving and acting toward the visually impaired person. The learning involved in the professional formation is a dynamic process of continuous reconstruction of knowledge from the people themselves, and the supervision might offer a favorable atmosphere for the emersion of the singularity of each student. Reflecting about the practice and sharing it in the group lead to the development of the sense of clinical experience, as well as the personal and professional experiences. The material contains the interns’ reports prior to and after the experience and the Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure, a person with visual impairment, given at the beginning and at the end of the internship. The Winnicottian psychoanalytic conception of maturing guided our analysis and discussion on the material, which was able to tell us about the existence of a logic between the healthy person and the foundation of a healthy society, in which this society is the environment sustaining the development of the autonomous person. This autonomy, that is part of an ethical professional formation, relates to the feeling of being part of a collectivity, as well as being responsible for them, and of which is dependent, and from which their own senses are built. We could observe changes regarding a more mature approach of the interns in face of the impairment issue and a bigger availability for the alterity. Thus, we came to the conclusion that offering opportunities of contact and reflection of the practice with impaired people in college formation as a future professional psychologist in their ethical dimension, that is, the generation open to the diversity of subjectivation, reflexive and multiplying ways of exclusive action.

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