Uma interpretação psicodinâmica da observação de mulheres estéreis com endometriose [A psychodynamic interpretation of the observation of infertile women with endometriosis]

CASTRO, C. C. Uma interpretação psicodinâmica da observação de mulheres estéreis com endometriose [A psychodynamic interpretation of the observation of infertile women with endometriosis]. 390 p. Master’s Dissertation – Instituto de Psicologia da USP. São Paulo (SP), 1990.Abstract: This study was motivated by an interest in maternity disorders, and focuses on the problem of female infertility without apparent cause. Firstly, we have tried to review some texts, that have contributed to the knowledge covering the approaches on the subject and psychological factor recognized as possible cause of these inconveniences. Following that, we have studied and tested six infertile women who had endometriosis with the purpose of detecting possible psychological factors that could determinate the triggering of infertility in these women. The method used consisted of semi-guided interviews, following a routine previously prepared use of Drawing-and-Story Procedure (D-E) an application of TAT and Rorschach tests. The results were analyzed and discussed from the standpoint of concepts of psychoanalytic theory. The following aspects were emphasized: of the  disparity in the mental work upon the different areas of actuation, emotional immaturity, extreme self-demand, impotence vs omnipotence, insecurity for self-development, difficulty in coping with aggression, hostile mother image, ambivalence toward maternity and unsatisfactory psychosexual development.

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