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Uma experiência materna com a chegada da filha adotiva: os encontros e os desencontros na construção vincular [A maternal experience with the arrival of the adopted daughter: the encounters and the mismatches in the bonding construction]

SILVA, A. C. L. R.; ABRÃO, J. L. F. Uma experiência materna com a chegada da filha adotiva: os encontros e os desencontros na construção vincular [A maternal experience with the arrival of the adopted daughter: the encounters and the mismatches in the bonding construction].  Brazilian Journal of health Review Braz. J. Hea. Rev, Curitiba, v. 3, n. 6, p. 17679-17695, 2020.

Available on:  https://doi.org/10.34119/bjhrv3n6-180

With the arrival of the adopted son, the mother’s unconscious contents are triggered, evoking her experience as a daughter. The mourning for infertility becomes significant in the development of bonded relationships. The objective is to understand the mother’s adaptation process from the arrival of the adopted daughter. A case study was used, through the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and semi-structured interview with a mother who had adopted her daughter at 6 months old. The short time in the adoption line complicated the development of primary maternal concern and the acceptance of the daughter’s psychological demands. The affective relationship gains space from the mother’s experience of mourning the biological son and the ideals constructed from the mother-baby relationship. Then, the availability for motherhood, linked to this mother’s psychic space in accepting her daughter’s emotional demands, enabled the development of a bond in the mother-baby pair.

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