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TDAH e medicalização: considerações sobre os sentidos e significados dos sintomas apresentados por crianças diagnosticadas [ADHD and medicalization: consideration of the senses and meanings of symptoms presented by children diagnosed]

SCHICOTTI, R. V. O.; ABRÃO, J. L. F.; JÚNIOR, S. A. G. TDAH e medicalização: considerações sobre os sentidos e significados dos sintomas apresentados por crianças diagnosticadas [ADHD and medicalization: consideration of the senses and meanings of symptoms presented by children diagnosed]. Nuances: estudos sobre educação, Presidente Prudente (SP), v.25, n.1, p.135-154, Jan/Abr 2014. 

Available on: doi: <10.14572/nuances.v25i1.2731>

The present paper is a reflection on the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its relations to the process of medicalization as well as the meanings and perspectives apprehended through three case studies of children diagnosed with such disorder in a doctoral research in which the main purpose was to understand the meanings and peculiarities of ADHD symptomatology .We’ve utilized the model of qualitative research, grounded in psychoanalytic perspective, and conducted the psychodiagnosis for three children who were referred for psychological treatment. The survey found that those children had few experiences of both continence and frustration tolerance. It was evidenced how the school uses the logic of medicalization to try solving the problems with their children when it comes to the school dimension. The variety of symptomatic manifestations and psychic dynamics presented by the cases that were studied revealed the weaknesses and inconsistencies of the referred diagnosis.

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