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Study of non-adherence to the treatment of sickle cell disease: a family case study

BRITO, L. S. et al. Study of non-adherence to the treatment of sickle cell disease: a family case study. Cogitare enferm. [Internet], 2020.

Available on: https://revistas.ufpr.br/cogitare/article/download/62908/40224

Objective: To gain insight on the aspects that impact non-adherence to sickle cell disease treatment in a family with several sick members. Method: Single case study of four siblings with sickle cell disease monitored at a Referral Center in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Data was collected with the use of a questionnaire, open interviews and Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. Results: The following themes emerged: Prejudice and discrimination promote self-isolation; Transportation problems prevent patients to get to health services; The health unit is a space that amplifies doubts and uncertainty; Hopelessness leads to treatment withdrawal. Conclusion: Social assistance, emotional, instrumental and educational support are essential to reduce the vulnerability of families experiencing sickle cell disease. The contents addressed in health facilities must include perspectives on positive experiences, encouraging hope and the construction of meanings during life in the process of chronic illness, in order to increase treatment adherence.

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