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Sofrimento psíquico contemporâneo: um estudo psicanalítico do imaginário coletivo de estudantes de psicologia [Contemporary psychic suffering: a psychoanalytical study of the collective imaginary of psychology students]

CAMBUÍ, H. A. Sofrimento psíquico contemporâneo: um estudo psicanalítico do imaginário coletivo de estudantes de psicologia [Contemporary psychic suffering: a psychoanalytical study of the collective imaginary of psychology students]178 p. Master’s Dissertation – Faculdade de Ciências de Bauru. Bauru (SP). 2013.

Available at: http://repositorio.unesp.br/bitstream/handle/11449/97498/cambui_ha_me_bauru_prot.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Abstract: The aim of this study was to psychoanalytically investigate the collective imaginary of freshmen and senior psychology students about contemporary psychic suffering. In the light of the psychoanalytic method, the present research was carried out by using the Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure as a mediating-dialogic resource in group interview to broach collective personal nature in both groups of students. Subsequently, interactive narratives were generated for each group interview. By understanding that symbolic manifestations govern human conducts, the set of productions of the drawings-stories, based on the interactive narratives, was interpretatively analyzed trying to apprehend the fields of affective-emotional meaning. The general setting acknowledges the organization of subjective productions within emerging psychological fields, among which one suggests the following: “Loneliness”, “Essays on suffering”, “Grieves on non-being”, “Human contact with suffering”, “Avoidance: the great defense”, “Non lived lives”, “Human despair” and “Multifaceted suffering”. The set of analyses allows us to improve the understanding of a collective imaginary in which suffering consists mainly of feelings of loneliness, forsaking, uselessness, spuriousness and existential void. Further, it allows producing discussions and ponderings meant for elaborations of intervening and sustaining strategies useful for the background development of those prospective professionals, especially regarding their personal development, the formation of clinical thinking and theoretical-practical elaborations, as well as the conservation of the sensitivity and creativity that can be obscured along the academic formation.

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