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Sofrimento humano e estudo da “eficácia terapêutica” de enquadres clínicos diferenciados [Human suffering and study of the “therapeutic effectiveness” of differentiated clinical settings]

AIELLO-VAISBERG, T. M. J.; MACHADO, M. C. L. Sofrimento humano e estudo da “eficácia terapêutica” de enquadres clínicos diferenciados [Human  suffering  and  study of the “therapeutic effectiveness” of differentiated clinical settings]. In: AIELLO-VAISBERG, T. M. J.; AMBROSIO, F. F. (Orgs.), Cadernos Ser e Fazer: Apresentação e materialidade, São Paulo, p. 6-35 ago. 2003. 

Available on: http://serefazer.psc.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/christina-tem%C3%A1tico-para-caderno-verde-10ago03.pdf

At the present time the traditional psychoanalytic clinic has been revealed to be insufficient in front of the human suffering generated by the traumatic conditions of contemporary life, that affects the personal and collective life. Due to this situation, in this thematic project we decide to study the psychotherapeutic effects obtained through the use of clinical strategies of psychological consultation inspired in the winnicottian psychoanalysis and based on the blegerian presuppositions. Such strategies, that we have been researching in the “Being and Doing”: Laboratory of Mental Health and Social Clinical Psychology of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo, are constituted as differentiated psychoanalytical settings and can be characterized by the availability of expressive materiality, by the use of a specific type of therapeutic intervention known as holding or setting handling and by happen, whenever possible, as psychoanalytic psychotherapy not interpretative of group. From the methodological point of view, we adopted strategies of clinical research ruled by the typical paradigm of humanities. The material on which we intend to lean over is the researchers’ experiencial report related in clinical meetings under the form of presentations of the clinical happening. These presentations, as we see them, carry in themselves the talent of promoting the dialogue in diversified extents and also bring new possibilities of thinking and living the therapeutic encounter.

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