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Sofredores, impostores e vítimas da sociedade: imaginário de uma equipe de saúde mental sobre o paciente psiquiátrico [Sufferers, insincere e victims of society: imagination of a mental health team on the psychiatric patient]

SIMÕES, C. H. D. Sofredores, impostores e vítimas da sociedade: imaginário de uma equipe de saúde mental sobre o paciente psiquiátrico [Sufferers, insincere e victims of society: imagination of a mental health team on the psychiatric patient]. 171 p. Doctoral Thesis – PUCCAMP. Campinas (SP). 2012.

Available at: http://serefazer.psc.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/TESE-Cristiane-Helena-Dias-Simoes-2012.pdf

Abstract: Considering that clinical practices are based upon scientific acknowledgement, beliefs and values, the purpose of this survey is to investigate mental health workers’ collective imagination according to psychoanalysis point of view about psychiatric patients. The interviews were articulated around different intermediary resources of transitional use, and constituents of a psychiatric institution team were interviewed individually and collectively with the intention of allowing the subjective expression of a transindividual character. The reports of the clinical occurrences were observed considering the psychoanalysis method, allowing comprehensive production of three fields of emotional-affective meaning: “Psychotic Sufferers”, “Insincere Addicted”, and “Victims of Contemporaneous Society”. The two first fields are related to substructures of one single imaginary, fundamentally committed with the job of discriminating, in order to get control, the true diseased part from the individual with character problems, the involuntary symptom of that which would be a personal decision consequence of acting in a condemnable psychic suffering as a concrete social conditions straight result. The general situation raises reflections about the existing linking between imaginary fields created/found here and Psychopathology, Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis important issues. The Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure was used for this study.

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