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Representações sociais de professores sobre os fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento da criança [Social Representations of teachers about child development risk factors]

SANTOS, H. C. V. Representações sociais de professores sobre os fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento da criança [Social Representations of teachers about child development risk factors]. 2013. 117 p. Master’s Dissertation –  Universidade de Taubaté. Taubaté (SP), 2013.

Available on: http://mpemdh.unitau.br/wp-content/uploads/2011/dissertacoes/maranhao/heloisa_cardoso_varao_santos.pdf

This study is based on the Theory of Social Representations whose objective is to identify the social representations of teachers about risk factors for child development. child development. It consisted of a qualitative research approach, through the case study in a public daycare center, in which different techniques of data collection, such as focus group, interview, and drawing-history. The analysis was performed by means of Bardin’s content analysis (2009). Participated in the research were eight teachers from a public daycare center with more than one year of experience and with minimum pedagogical training in teaching at the secondary level. The results are concentrated in three axes thus defined: biological and social nature, with significant implications in the child’s socialization process. socialization process. It evidenced the family as the primary responsible for the socialization of the child and offering effective social support as a protective factor. In this study the historical cultural theories of Vygotsky (1988), the bioecological theories of Bronfenbrenner Bronfenbrenner (1998/2005), the Wallon’s affectivity theory (1975/1988), and the studies studies by Reppold and Hutz (2002) about risk factors to child development development and the studies by Craydi (2001) and Kramer (2003) about the singularities singularities of the child in development and the role of daycare in the the child’s integral development. The results will contribute to the reflection on the attitudes of teachers towards children who present vulnerability to risk factors vulnerability to risk factors and delineation of proposals for continued training of teachers and teachers and guidance to family members involved in the educational process, so that new attitudes can be developed. the educational process, so that new attitudes of support and protection are made possible in day care centers with the children in development, contributing to the achievement of the purpose of the purpose of the institution as a promoter of the integral development of the child.

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