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Representações sociais de pacientes psiquiátricos sobre a loucura, a internação e o sofrer psíquico: a triste passagem e a triste paisagem [Social Representations of psychiatric patients on their insanity, internment and psyche suffering: the sad journey of the sad scenery]

PEREIRA, M. A. O.  Representações sociais de pacientes psiquiátricos sobre a loucura, a internação e o sofrer psíquico: a triste passagem e a triste paisagem [Social Representations of psychiatric patients on their insanity, internment and psyche suffering: the sad journey of the sad scenery]. Doctoral Thesis – USP. São Paulo (SP). 1997. 

Available on: http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/83/83131/tde-22102007-104643/en.php

The objective of this study was to identify the Social Representations of psychiatric patients about their life situations after living with madness, hospitalization and psychological suffering. From a qualitative research approach, I used the Life History technique to individually interview four patients (women) admitted to the psychiatric hospital. I built the theoretical and methodological procedures of this research, through observation, non-directive open interviews, enriched with the use of Projective Technique (the free story-drawing and with theme) and consultation made in the medical records. I used the Thematic Analysis to analyze the data, verifying that the patients construct knowledge about madness. This way, I could identify the Social Representations that constitute thought systems organized into true psychopathological theories, which are articulated around conceptions about madness and its consequences. The patients, through concrete experiences, elaborated theories that denote their difficult life paths that led them to the condition of mentally ill. The expression the sad passage, the sad landscape, used by a patient, subject of the research, translates the drama of those who went through the suffering experience of madness, who were submitted to psychiatric treatment and, consequently, had long hospitalizations.

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