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Representações sociais de enfermeiras sobre o aleitamento materno e sua influência nas práticas educativas [Social Representations of the nurses about the breast-feeding and its influence on the educational practices]

RIBEIRO, V. M. Representações sociais de enfermeiras sobre o aleitamento materno e sua influência nas práticas educativas [Social Representations of the nurses about the breast-feeding and its influence on the educational practices]. 129 p. Master’s Dissertation – UESB. Jequié (BA). 2011. 

Available on: http://www2.uesb.br/ppg/ppges/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/DissertaC3A7C3A3o-Vivian-Mara-Ribeiro1.pdf

The construction of the concept and the meaning attributed to breastfeeding is based on the socio-cultural context of each individual and can influence the way it deals with this practice. The representations of nurses, the breastfeeding mother and others involved in the process of breastfeeding need to be taken into account in the development of promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding actions. Thus, this study aimed to apprehend the social representations of nurses about breastfeeding; to describe the breastfeeding educational practices of nurses and to analyze the influence of breastfeeding social representations of nurses in their educational practices. Was conducted a qualitative research Theory of Social Representations based, whose participants were 22 nurses of the Family Health Units (USF) from Jequié, Bahia, State, Brazil. Data levy occurred from February to March 2011, respecting the ethical principles of research on human beings, and using the names of famous artists to identify the informants. The collected data through the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and the interview, were analyzed through thematic content analysis. The participants consisted mostly of women, so we used the terminology in females in the data discussion. The results were scaled in two thematic classes: Meanings of breastfeeding, which added three categories and 14 subcategories, and Educational practices to encourage breastfeeding, which added three categories and eight subcategories. Through the data transversalization, was possible to identify that the social representations of the nurses from Jequié USF about breastfeeding appear anchored in three essential thoughts: the benefits and advantages of breastfeeding for the child, the mother’s role in this process and the necessity and value of existence of a social network for the success of this practice. By analyzing the representations elaborated by the nurses, it was perceived that they are composed of content acquired through their own personal experiences as mothers, as professionals through scientific content acquired during their training, from the experiences in the society in which cultural aspects are regarded; of media influence. Relating the orientations offered in breastfeeding with social representations elaborated that nurses, was perceived that the way these professionals represent breastfeeding influences on their actions and the way it conducts its educational practice, emphasizing the role of guidance that is part of prescriptive nature of behaviors and practices of social representation. The enlargement of the look of the nurses on the breastfeeding experience, through understanding the constructed representations, the recognition of the social network and especially the perception of the breastfeeding mother as a subjective creature can contribute to a new perspective regarding the development of their educational activities.

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