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Repercussões psicológicas do desastre natural: o que dizem as crianças do Vale do Itajaí/SC [Psychological repercussions of the natural disaster: what the children of Vale do Itajaí/SC say]

CUNHA, M. P. Repercussões psicológicas do desastre natural: o que dizem as crianças do Vale do Itajaí/SC [Psychological repercussions of the natural disaster: what the children of Vale do Itajaí/SC say]. 193 p. Doctoral Thesis – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Florianópolis (SC), 2018.

Available on: https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/193633

The “natural disasters” in the southern region of Brazil, specifically in Vale do Itajaí/SC, are recurrent and mostly occur due to floods, affecting children and adults. With regard to children, they are in a stage of life characterized as vulnerable in which, when associated with natural disasters, can have repercussions on the development of the child or even leave marks in adult life. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to understand the psychological repercussions in children affected by natural disasters. In order to respond to the aforementioned, the research had an exploratory, qualitative approach and was performed with participants chosen intentionally. In total, 44 people were part of the research, of which 22 were children and 22 were their respective relatives. For data collection, a semi-structured interview was used with the relative, another with the child, and then it was applied the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. The latter consist in asking the child to make five drawings with specific themes: free drawing, how he/she felt with the flood, how he/she felt during the flood, how he/she felt after the flood, and lastly, what or who assisted him/her to cope with the experiences related to the 2011 event. All the audios were recorded, transcribed and systematized with the assistance of Atlas/Ti 7.0. Then, for analysis of interviews and stories, a categorical content analysis was used, proposed by Bardin. When compiling the data, the following categories of analysis were obtained:1. The flood, 2. The flood and its impacts, 3. Risk factors, 4. Protection factors and 5. Social support networks. On the first element of analysis, it was verified that the 2008 flood was marked by the Remembrances of the destruction and The Unexpected in 2008. About the 2011 flood, “Preparation” of the community, “Changes in the family routine” during and after the event, “Material losses” and “Reconstruction” were reinforced by those affected. As impacts, stood out: “ambivalence” and “Sadness” by children; “Fear”, “Joy”, “Hypervigilance” and “Oblivion” by family members and children who faced the 2011 event and “Anxiety” and “Nightmares” by adults. “Social Vulnerability”, “Fragile Family Bonds” and “Flood Silencing” were the predominant risk factors. On the other hand, the protection factors pointed out were: “Spirituality”, “Welcoming in school”, “Strengthening of bonds”, “Playing”, “Solidarity”, that is, the importance of playing for the child and solidarity between neighbors. “School performance” and “Maternal care” were also identified as protective factors. And, finally, to characterize the social support networks, “Relatives” were thus recognized through their words of comfort and in the preparation of meals. Therefore, the Psychology’s perspective on the flood phenomenon is reiterated, since in the Municipal Contingency Plan it should also be approached about mental health when it emphasizes child care during and after the flood period. It highlights the importance of prevention work with the children in order that losses are not reactivated and more, so that the marks of the event are prevented.

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