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Quem cuida é a mãe: Imaginário coletivo de mediadores judiciais sobre cuidado dos filhos [Who cares is the mother: Collective imaginary of judicial mediators about children care]

FONSECA-INACARATO, G. M. Quem cuida é a mãe: Imaginário coletivo de mediadores judiciais sobre cuidado dos filhos [Who cares is the mother: Collective imaginary of judicial mediators about children care]. 220p. Doctoral thesis – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Campinas, (SP), 2021.

Available on: http://repositorio.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/handle/123456789/15590

Abstract: This thesis investigates collective imaginaries about parenting in the contemporary world. The research is justified on the observation that recent changes caused by the increased participation of women in the job market have not altered the collective imaginary which assumes that the biological mother is the best child caregiver. This study is methodologically organized based on the perspective of the concrete psychoanalytic psychology, using psychological collective interviews with 12 judicial mediators chosen as participants because they were often summoned to act in cases of separation of couples with children in common. They were approached using The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. After approaching the material in terms of what was presented in the field of participants consciousness, this material was considered according to the psychoanalytic method allowed the interpretative production of four affective-emotional sense fields or relative unconscious intersubjective: “Who cares is the mother”, “Present father”, “Parents fighting, children damaged”, “Parents talking, children preserved”. The general analysis of the responses shows that there prevails, among the participants, a conservative imaginary which believes that the best childcare possibly given is provided by the biological mother in the context of the nuclear family. It was evident the participants believed that the quality of the marital bond is directly linked to the well-being of the children, which may make it difficult to distinguish between issues of conjugality and functions related to parenting.

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