Psicoterapia e psicoterapeuta: representações de uma criança sob suspeita de sofrer abuso sexual [The Psychotherapy and the Psychotherapist: representations of a child under the suspicious of sexual abuse]

POLLI, R. G.; SAVEGNAGO, S. D. O.; ARPINI, D. M.  Psicoterapia e psicoterapeuta: representações de uma criança sob suspeita de sofrer abuso sexual [The Psychotherapy and the Psychotherapist: representations of a child under the suspicious of sexual abuse]. Mudanças – Psicologia da Saúde, São Paulo (SP), v. 21, n. 2, p. 20-29, jul-dez. 2013. 

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Child sexual abuse is a form of violence that produces deep traumas on its victims, since it is, most of the times, disguised and silenced. The following study aimed at understanding how a child under suspicion of sexual abuse conceives his/her therapist and therapy. This is the case study of a five-year-old girl, assisted in a public health institution, who presented evidences that were consistent with a situation of sexual abuse. Drawing-and-Story Procedure was used. Results highlight that the child experienced therapy as a place where she could disclose her secret. Such disclosure was enabled by the relationship of confidence established between the child and the therapist. The importance of secrecy is underlined, as well as the therapist’s ability “to see and listen” to what the child discloses during the session.

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