ARIAS, G. S. Psicodinâmica familiar a partir da percepção de crianças indígenas Guarani Mbya de São Paulo [Family psychodynamics from the perception of Guarani Mbya indigenous children from São Paulo] Master’s Dissertation – Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. São Bernardo do Campo (SP), 2008.
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Abstract: This study investigated, from clinic psychoanalytic reference, the perception that Guarani Mbya Indian children have about the psychodynamic of their familiar relations. More specifically, it describes aspects of familiar dynamics, through the perception of these Indian children, as well as intra-psychic aspects and introjection of parental figures. The study was conducted in a Guarani Mbya village, situated in the periphery of São Paulo City. Three girls and one boy, ages from seven to ten, participated in this study. To collect the data, the children had Playing Activities, Drawing-of-Family-and-Story Procedure. They were collected concomitantly to the accomplishment of local school activities, during the year of 2007. The clinical material was grouped and described from the extracted content of the drawing and story, the expressed behaviors and the relations that it has established in the playing activities. The results have shown the importance of the Playing Activities as basic element to collect the research material, from the “setting” provided by them; beyond this, conflicts in the introjection of parental figures have been observed, specially the paternal one; conflicts in the child’s identity formation that seemed be related to the influence on relations between Indian culture and not Indian culture. Beside this, it was observed, from the children’s perception, that the Prayer House represented a support element, protection and security, that we understood it has an egoic function. It identified conflicts in the development of these children and the dynamic of the familiar relations. It stands out the need for more research about the psychological nature of these people, understanding them better, respecting the specificity of these ethnic groups, and that professionals can plan preventive actions and health promotion, focusing on, mainly, the protection and preservation of this child’s identity.