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“Problemáticos ou invisíveis”: o imaginário coletivo de idosos sobre adolescentes [Troublemakers or invisibles: the collective imaginary of elderly about teenagers]

ASSIS, N. Del P. de.; FERNANDES, R. A.; AIELLO-VAISBERG, T. M. “Problemáticos ou invisíveis”: o imaginário coletivo de idosos sobre adolescentes [Troublemakers or invisibles: the collective imaginary of elderly about teenagers]. Memorandum, Belo Horizonte, MG, v.1, p.259-275, out. 2016. 

Available on: http://tede.bibliotecadigital.puc-campinas.edu.br:8080/jspui/handle/tede/336

The present essay is included in the studies about intergenerational relationships and discriminations against teenagers. It aimed to investigate, in a psychoanalytic view, the collective imaginary of elderly people about the nowadays teenagers. The methodology consisted of individual interviews, performed with six elderly persons, using the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure as a dialogue mediator. After each interview, psychoanalytic narratives were written and considered together with the drawings-stories made by the participants. We created/found two affective-emotional sense fields, or relative unconscious, named The Troublemakers and The Denied Beings. The results indicated that the participants tended to imagine the teenagers as complicated people, sometimes seeing them as victims due to the missing support they didn t receive from the adults or, because they see the teenagers as intrinsically bad people. They also tended to deny adolescence, not recognizing the teenagers as a social collective group. The conclusion indicated a prejudiced point of view that justifies additional investigations.

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