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Percepção da doença mental por profissionais de saúde: possibilidades de ampliação do cuidado [Perception of mental illness by health professionals: possibility of broadening mental care]

MACHADO, M. P.; PEREIRA, M. A. O. Percepção da doença mental por profissionais de saúde: possibilidades de ampliação do cuidado [Perception of mental illness by health professionals: possibility of broadening mental care]. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia. Botucatu, v. 13, n. 1. 2013.

Available on: http://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/index.php/revispsi/article/view/7887/5720

The study addressed the perception of mental illness by nineteen professionals, team members of a Family Health Unit, through graphic representations (drawings). This is qualitative research. For data collection, the presentational-expressive procedure with theme was used. From the thematic analysis, four themes emerged that pointed to mental illness linked to health care, to the medical-centered view, to exclusion/inclusion, and to the social environment. The analysis identified perceptions associated with the biologicist paradigm, with reproduction of prejudices. The importance of expanded care was emphasized, highlighting difficulties in professional performance. The study pointed to the need for investment in professional training, in an attempt to transform the ideoaffective contents presented by the imaginary of the subjects. 

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