ROSA, D. C. J., et al. “Paciente-problema”: imaginário coletivo de enfermeiros acerca do usuário com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia [“Problem-patient”: collective imaginary of nurses about the user diagnosed with schizophrenia]. Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 31(1), 2021.
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Abstract: This study aimed to understand beliefs and emotions about the user diagnosed with schizophrenia currently in the collective imaginary of nurses working in Primary Health Care. It is a qualitative study based on the psychoanalytic investigative method. The participants were 15 nurses who worked at the referred level of health care in a medium-sized city. Data collection was performed using The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and data analysis sought to capture fields of meaning through the execution of the technical movements recommended for the operationalization of the psychoanalytic investigative method. It was found that, in a non-conscious way, the user diagnosed with schizophrenia is negatively represented in the collective imaginary of the participants, because they are seen as an inconvenient person, who creates uproar and arouses fear, mainly due to his supposedly typical “agitation”. Thus, facing such a user means, for the participants, a situation to be quickly “solved”. Therefore, this study highlights difficulties concerning mental health care offered to users diagnosed with schizophrenia, which are related to non-conscious elements of group subjectivity that, at the same time, have a social and individual character.