Onde está minha moldura? reflexões winnicottianas sobre a tendência antissocial em crianças [Where is my frame? Winnicottian reflections on antisocial tendency in children]

VASCONCELLOS, S. C. Onde está minha moldura? reflexões winnicottianas sobre a tendência antissocial em crianças [Where is my frame? Winnicottian reflections on antisocial tendency in children]. 184 p. Master’s Dissertation –UNICAP/PE. Recife, 2010. 

Available at: http://tede2.unicap.br:8080/bitstream/tede/117/1/dissertacao_sarah_camello.pdf

Abstract: This Master’s Paper consists of a qualitative, clinical-interpretative study, developed from a hermeneutic position of investigation, whose main purpose was to analyze the antisocial children request. In a specific way, the role of the family structure was discussed, the different kinds of manifestation of antisocial tendencies and the function of institutions in the interventional process with the children that practice these acts. The method adopted was the Drawing-and-Story Procedure, made by five sections of free drawing production, telling a story, inquiry and title attribution, carried out by seven children aged from six to eleven years, all of them showing a conserved family structure, with no homelessness and who were assisted by the Centro Integral da Amizade (CDI), a not-for-profit social institution, located in the neighborhood of Santo Amaro, in Recife-PE. The material produced by two children, also considering their life stories, were analyzed by Donald Woods Winnicott’s theorizations about antisocial tendencies, the main theme of this study. It talks about a significant loss, a deprivation suffered by the child, that has had some positive living in the previous experience with the environment, initially represented by the mother. With this loss, greater than the child’s memory can support, the child tries a deception feeling and demands from the environment what it owes him, trying unconsciously to re-encounter  the good enough mother that one day he had. The analysis done shows that there is a loving ask, an unconscious changing desire by the children investigated, who deconstruct the environment where they live trying to modify its hostility. Given that the children studied come from unassisted, rather than dysfunctional families, who live in a needy community, we suggest the institution as a possibility of restoring the conditions before lived by those children, (re)building the frame which gave them the sustentation to follow their maturity process in the direction to the healthy development.

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