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O processo de resiliência na transição da menopausa [The resilience process in the menopausal transition]

SILVA, L. F. B. O processo de resiliência na transição da menopausa [The resilience process in the menopausal transition]. 84 p. Monograph – Departamento de Psicologia, Universidade de Taubaté, 2020.

Available on: http://repositorio.unitau.br/jspui/handle/20.500.11874/4432

Abstract: The climacteric is defined as a natural process of the female life cycle, inherent in the transition from the reproductive phase to a non-reproductive phase, having its main milestone in menopause. During this period, the woman goes through several physiological and emotional changes. Many challenges appear at this stage and individual, social, community or family protection factors can have positive impacts for the better coping of this process with the development of resilience – the ability to overcome obstacles, not allowing them to interfere with mental health. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the resilient aspects of a sample of 20 women in the transition to menopause, between 45 and 60 years old, with or without gynecological monitoring, seeking to understand how the resilience process favors the positive coping of this period. This is an exploratory field research, with a qualitative approach, whose data were obtained through three instruments: the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale, The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and a semi-structured interview. Of the 20 women who made up the sample, 40% indicated high resilience, 30% showed medium resilience and 30% indicated low resilience. The main challenges experienced by women in the climacteric period were analyzed, ranging from very pointed physical changes, such as hot flushes and sweating, to emotional and social impacts, such as irritability, mood changes, concern for the partner, among others. Protection factors and coping strategies that favor the development of resilience were also analyzed, such as support from family and friends, medical monitoring, drug treatment and others. In addition, factors such as self-care or the search for help to better understand the climacteric process proved to be important to face difficulties. It was concluded that resilience is important for the successful experience of the transition to menopause, since it favors better management of climacteric symptoms, contributing to the quality of life and well-being of women in this period. In this sense, the climacteric is an opportune period for reflection on new attitudes of women towards themselves, other people and the future.

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