O Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias como modalidade de intervenção nas consultas terapêuticas infantis [The Drawing-and-Story Procedure as a mode of intervention in children therapeutic consultations]

BORGES, Thames W.C. (1998) – O Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias como modalidade de intervenção nas consultas terapêuticas infantis [The Drawing-and-Story Procedure as a mode of intervention in children therapeutic consultations]. Doctoral Thesis. São Paulo (SP), Instituto de Psicologia da USP, 162 pp. 

The aim of this paper is to present a new modality of psychotherapeutic treatment between children and their families. This technique is based on the use of the Drawing-and-Story Procedure with a Theme and Without a Theme, as an adaptation of the Drawing-and-Story Procedure developed by Trinca (1972). The theoretical basis originated from Winnicott, mainly the concept of potential space. This notion was used as a space and time that allow us to approach, by means of creativity, not only the group’s or the individual’s internal reality, but the external one as well. Concepts such as the Therapeutic Consultation, Objects and Transitional Phenomena and Squiggle Game were retaken along the study. It was made a reflection on the role of the professional as an analyst and as a researcher. The technique used makes easier the therapeutic alliance between the child and his parents, by means of verbal, emotional, and subjective expression. It showed to be useful in the investigation and elaboration of the diagnosis and it made communication and psychic construction easier. This paper is the result of 12 years of clinical practice. Four clinic cases are presented, in order to discuss it.

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