O Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias: características e fundamentação [The Drawing-and-Story Procedure: characteristics and fundamentals]

TRINCA, Walter e LIMA, Celia M.B. (1989) – O Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias: características e fundamentação [The Drawing-and-Story Procedure: characteristics and fundamentals]. São Caetano do Sul (SP), Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Psicologia, 1 (3): 78-84. 

Free drawing, associated with stories told by children, adolescents and adults, in which it stands as a stimulus for these stories constitutes an instrument with its own characteristics for obtaining relevant information about the personality. It has a particular characteristic of not being a psychological test, but rather, of belonging within the methodology of psychological study as an intermediate procedure between non-structured interview and graphic and thematic projective techniques. It is called Drawing-and-Story Procedure (D-E) and requires the examinee to execute a series of 5 free drawings (chromatic or achromatic) each one serving as a stimulus for a freely associated story told by the examinee directly after finishing each drawing. Once the examinee has finished each drawing-story pair, he continues supplying further information (the “inquiry” phase) and the title of the story. Being so, the free drawings became thematic apperception stimuli.

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