O papel do professor de educação infantil na perspectiva de crianças de três a cinco anos [The pre-school teacher’s role according to children whose ages range between three and five years old]

SILVA, F. S.; ALMEIDA, M. S. S.; FROTA, A. M. M. C. O papel do professor de educação infantil na perspectiva de crianças de três a cinco anos [The pre-school teacher’s role according to children whose ages range between three and five years old]. Revista Educação e Cultura Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), v. 12, n. 29, p. 187-212, 2015. 

Available on: http://periodicos.estacio.br/index.php/reeduc/article/view/916/932

The objective of this study was to analyze the role of Early Childhood Education’s teacher from the perspective of three to five year old children and to investigate whether they like the pedagogical practices of the attended pre-school. The study, characterized as a qualitative and quantitative research, had as a theoretical framework Vygotsky concepts, specifically those related to the child development and learning. The study was developed with sixteen children in a federal public preschool (levels III, IV and V) for three consecutive years. The data were constructed by means of individual interviews, using the Drawing-and-Story Procedure and group interviews, using the technique “Stories to Complete. For analyzing the data, children’s responses about “what does a preschool teacher do” were grouped into categories and it was calculated their frequencies in these categories. The remaining children’s responses were presented and discussed. The results indicated that: a) the children identified several roles played by teachers b) there were changes in the emphasis assigned to these roles over the three years; c) children were able to distinguish between what they like and dislike in relation to the pedagogical practices. It is necessary, therefore, to consider the early children’s competence to express their opinions and feelings about what is offered by the preschool programs. So, listening to children may contribute to the discussion about the role of Early Childhood Education’s teacher.

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