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O paciente em crise psiquiátrica no imaginário coletivo de profissionais de um serviço comunitário [The patient in psychiatric crisis in the collective imaginary of professionals from a community service]

LIMA, D.M.; et al. O paciente em crise psiquiátrica no imaginário coletivo de profissionais de um serviço comunitário [The patient in psychiatric crisis in the collective imaginary of professionals from a community service]. Psicol. Pesqui., v.15, p. 1-23, 2021.

Available on: https://doi.org/10.34019/1982-1247.2021.v15.30429

Abstract: The psychiatric crisis is an important challenge to psychosocial care, but it has been thematized in few Brazilian empirical researches. The present study aimed to understand the collective imaginary of professionals from a CAPS unit about patients with mental disorders in psychiatric crisis. This is a qualitative study, in which 10 professionals from a CAPS unit participated. Data collection was performed individually using The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. The corpus was constituted by the transcription of the participants’ verbalizations and, secondarily, by their drawings. Data analysis looked for the formulation of interpretations to demarcate meaning fields. In general, it was observed that, according to the collective imaginary of the participants, the patient in psychiatric crisis is someone who is in a state of disturbance, as well as disturbing his own family, the neighborhood and health professionals.

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