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O médico a partir do imaginário coletivo de últimoanistas de medicina [The Medical Doctor from the collective imaginary of last year of Medicine students]

BARRETO, M. A. M. et al. O médico a partir do imaginário coletivo de últimoanistas de medicina [The Medical Doctor from the collective imaginary of last year of Medicine students]. Cadernos UniFOA (Edição Especial Ciências da Saúde e Biológicas). Volta Redonda (RJ), v. 8, n. 1, p. 47-52, mai. 2013.

Available on: http://revistas.unifoa.edu.br/index.php/cadernos/article/view/73/12

The objective of this study was to consider the collective imaginary of last-year students of a medical course, about the medical profession, based on research done in a Scientific Initiation project. Collective meetings were held with volunteer students from the 11th and 12th periods. The procedure of Drawing-and-Story with a Theme was used, and 17 Drawing-and-Story were analyzed. From a psychoanalytic approach, logical-emotional determinants were described, highlighting the predominance of non-conscious psychological fields, such as the productions that express the image that the students have about the doctor and his patient, noting the mischaracterization of the figure of both. Mercantilist conceptions stand out, such as the representation of the profession only as a cipher and stereotyped representations, such as the “Vitruvian man”, showing difficulty in integrating preconceived ideas about the profession. Thus, there is a need for young people to re-appropriate their own professional choice and to approach the reality that will be experienced as a physician.

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