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O imaginário de adolescentes sobre o vestibular: um estudo psicanalítico [The teenagers’ imaginary about the vestibular (tests in order to be eligible to undergraduation courses): a psychoanalytic study]

GALLO-BELLUZZO, S. R.; FERREIRA-TEIXEIRA, Marcela C.; AIELLO-VAISBERG, T. M. O imaginário de adolescentes sobre o vestibular: um estudo psicanalítico [The teenagers’ imaginary about the vestibular (tests in order to be eligible to undergraduation courses): a psychoanalytic study]. Paidéia, Ribeirão Preto (SP), v.27, supl.1, p.404-412, 2017. 

Available on:  doi: <10.1590/1982-432727s1201705>

A significant group of Brazilian adolescents, mostly middle-class, go through the vestibular (university entrance exam) process in order to enter higher education. Such a process may cause clinically relevant anxiety and insecurity. The present study aims to investigate psychoanalytically the imaginary of adolescents in relation to the vestibular. A collective interview was conducted with nine students in the last year of high school, mediated by the use of the Drawing-and-Story Procedure with a Theme. The participants’ manifestations support the interpretation of two relative affective-emotional or unconscious fields of meaning: “individual responsibility” and “key to success”. The general picture reveals that approval is conceived as a direct result of the young person’s competence and talent, which would guarantee him/her a successful professional life, according to a simplifying vision that disregards the importance of the social context.

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