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O imaginário coletivo de médicos sobre o uso de cannabis sativa [The collective imaginary of doctors about the use of cannabis sativa]

GIESTA, I. R. P.; BARRETO, M. A. M. O imaginário coletivo de médicos sobre o uso de cannabis sativa [The collective imaginary of doctors about the use of cannabis sativa]. Latin American Journal of Development, v. 2, n. 6, p. 480-487. Curitiba (SC), 2021.

Available on: https://doi.org/10.46814/lajdv2n6-012

The use of Cannabis sativa (marijuana) is popularly known, being the most commonly used illicit drug, and considered by its users as a non-harmful narcotic. This article aims to reflect on the collective imaginary of doctors about the use of marijuana, since, many times, these are the first professionals sought when the use of these substances denounces health problems.  They are also those who subsequently provide users with the appropriate treatment and/or referral.  Individual meetings were held with volunteer doctors, of various ages, medical specialties and of both sexes, using the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure,  based  on  the  psychoanalytical  approach,  allowing the capture of unconscious psychological-experiential fields.

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