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O imaginário coletivo de estudantes de educação física sobre pessoas com deficiência [The collective imaginary of physical education students about disabled people]

RUSSO, R. C. T.; COUTO, T. H. A. M. AIELLO-VAISBERG, T. M. J. O imaginário coletivo de estudantes de educação física sobre pessoas com deficiência [The collective imaginary of physical education students  about disabled people]. Psicologia & Sociedade; v. 21, n. 2, p. 250-255, Belo Horizonte (MG). 2009.

Available on:  http://www.scielo.br/pdf/psoc/v21n2/v21n2a12

The present work investigates the collective imaginary of Physical Education  students about disabled people. It articulates methodologically the use of the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure to a collective approach of a class of thirty students. The obtained material was analyzed from a psychoanalytical perspective in light of the Theory of Fields. We verified that the conceptions of the students about disabilities arise from two non-conscious psychological fields: ‘disability as human suffering’ and ‘disability as a technical problem’. In our view, the first field relates to the possibility of assuming sensitive and caring approaches when facing the disability issue, while the latter expresses the action of defensive strategies to deny the importance of the affective-emotional dimensions related to the suffering, turning the disabled person into an object of essentially technical actions.

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