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O eleitor desiludido: o imaginário coletivo de eleitores brasileiros sobre os candidatos políticos [The disenchanted constituent: the collective imaginary of the Brazilian voters about the politic candidates]

ZULLIAN, S. P. S.; TACHIBANA, M. O eleitor desiludido: o imaginário coletivo de eleitores brasileiros sobre os candidatos políticos [The disenchanted constituent: the collective imaginary of the Brazilian voters about the politic candidates]. Revista Sul Americana de Psicologia, v. 1, n. 2, ago-dez. 2013.

Available on: http://ediciones.ucsh.cl/ojs/index.php/RSAP/article/view/1728

We understand that it is politicians’ duty to create a society that in fact constitutes an environment that supports the emotional development of the citizens. Since politicians are elected by society, we understood the necessity of a study based on the collective imaginary of the electorate about politicians. We interviewed 10 electors individually, applying the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. After each meeting, the researcher wrote a psychoanalytical narrative that, with the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure, was analyzed psychoanalytically, aiming to find classes of affective-emotional sense. “Contagious Politician”, “Masked Politician” and “Disappointed Elector” classes were found. That allowed us to observe that the political candidate is conceived as an evil figure which must be avoided or persecuted. In conclusion, we noted a paranoid imaginary, related to a disillusioned posture by the electors who do not believe in the possibility of changing the society and, therefore, adopt stereotyped postures when electing.


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